Regional conferences dedicated to animal health and biosecurity

In order to raise awareness on animal diseases and implementation of biosecurity measures, the project “Reinforcement of animal health and welfare” organized two regional conferences in Nis on 8th of June and in Vrnjacka Banja on 9th of June 2021.

The conferences were attended by veterinary doctors from Veterinary Institutes, veterinary stations as well as veterinary inspectors.

The Project team presented the documents created during the implementation of activities and realization of goals.

The morning part of the conference was dedicated to the prevention and control of animal health. A new Law on animal health was presented, which entered into force in the European Union on April 21st this year, then biosecurity measures in facilities for animals and their implementation, as well as surveillance programs for certain animal diseases (Classical Swine Fever, Ajueszky’s disease, Bluetongue disease, Lumpy skin disease).

During the afternoon part of the conference dedicated to emergency preparedness and contingency planning, some of the topics presented by the project experts were emergency measures in case of various diseases: Avian Influenza, Newcastle disease, Foot and Mouth, Bluetongue disease, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Sheep and goat pox, Peste des pestits ruminants and Rift Valley Fever.

 “The project is assisting in the preparation of programs for surveillance of animal diseases, in updating national operational manuals for the implementation of crisis plan implemented in the case of certain infectious diseases i.e. emergency preparedness and emergency planning, as well as in strengthening biosecurity measures in animal facilities”,  said Project Coordinator from Veterinary Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Maja Andrijasevic.

Project Team Leader Petras Maciulskis emphasized that “The project strengthens the capacities of the competent authorities for the implementation of animal health legislation and the maintenance of disease-free status which affects the free trade of live animals and animal origin products”.

An animal disease control strategy will reduce the risks of transmitting animal diseases to animals and humans. Improved biosecurity measures on farms will better protect animal holdings from diseases. It will also support agricultural sustainability and environmental protection.

‘Reinforcement of animal health and welfare’ is EU funded project that provides support to the Veterinary Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in the process of harmonization with EU legislation and standards in the area of animal health, welfare, and biosecurity.

Last updated: March 10, 2025, 16:26